design. Sustainable delivery through
selective partnerships.
Development Market – Overview

Projects are costing
more and taking longer
than developers plan for

Project teams are designing bespoke buildings all the time.
Design coordination issues are commonplace
Contractors and subcontractors are pricing risk
Build Costs are all all time highs putting
pressure on project viabilities
Hugely complicated project delivery routes with multiple layers of risk and overhead and profit

Keep calm and carry on
doing the same thing
Modular Market – Overview

Significant Interest from Developers in Modular
A Good Starting Point

Disconnect between designers, manufacturers and developers
Most modular solutions are project specific
Manufacturers unable to provide proper pricing to market due to design process for modular
Developers not being provided with key information to enable them to make decision to go modular
Lack of clarity of process to carry our modular design and construction
Funding issues around bank lending

Lack of conversion of developer making key decision to go modular
How can manufuactures be successful?

Lack of standardization in modular manufacturing. Each project is bespoke, often with lack of scale
Order books are lumpy and uncertain
Manufacturers are having to expend significant resource on business generation with mixed success
Very difficult to manage cross border
All the above are keeping production costs high

Create standardization of product unlocking efficiency of manufacturing process and cost rationalization
Allow manufacturers to concentrate on manufacturing. No involvement in lengthy design processes
Provide for a continuous supply of modular demand
The above is impossible without changing the way buildings are designed and developed